Archives Arts and Crafts Printables

Pumpkin Carving

Image of colored pumpkins on paper, glue stick, and orange and black markers

Get spooky, get creative! This paper pumpkin carving activity is great to practice scissor skills and develop utensil grasp, plus it’s just fun!

Learn more about the development of scissor skills and adaptations for this activity below!

An image of 2 pieces of paper. One has a pumpkin on it and the other has different shapes.


Scissor skills develop in a typical pattern. Find what level you’re at, and push yourself to the next step. For anything that is too difficult, ask for help or use adaptations.

From easiest to hardest:

  1. Snip paper with scissors
  2. Cut a piece of paper in half
  3. Cut a piece of paper in half on a line
  4. Cut out a circle
  5. Cut out a square



You can make this activity easier or harder to find that “Just Right Challenge”. It should be difficult enough to stay engaged and easy enough to prevent frustration.

  • To help develop a tripod or utensil grasp, use crayons and break crayons into small pieces
  • To help develop overall arm and grasp strength, work on a vertical surface by taping the paper to the wall or an easel during the coloring phase
  • To help develop the arches of the hand, use egg shaped crayons
  • To help with a weak grasp, use foam tubing around the marker or crayon
  • To help those that are unable to grasp a marker or crayon, use a universal cuff or strap
  • To help those who have difficulty opening scissors, use adaptive scissors that are spring loaded
  • To help those who are unable to open the hand use adaptive scissors that don’t require grasp
  • To help those who have difficulty holding down the paper during coloring use dycem
  • To help those who have difficulty using two hands, find a helper who can either be the stabilizing hand or the moving hand



Fine Motor

Scissor Skills

Hand Strengthening


Tripod or utensil grasp

Lateral Pinch

Dissociation of right and left sides of the hand

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